Zane Geeting, Meet prep week 3 with squat video

I’m currently training for the RPS Winter Warfare meet in KY, Jan 16th. This will be my first raw meet (belt and sleeves) since 2007. I’m not expecting much as I understand that multi ply lifters are very weak when you take their gear away.

Friday 12/4/2015, Squat night

Here are my top 2 sets. 610 straight weight and 650 with reverse monster mini bands (0 off at the top, 90 off in the hole)

Sorry for the bad camera angle on the 2nd one.

Here’s how training broke down…

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Glute bridges, BW squat


60×10, 150×10, 240×8, 330×5, 420×3, 510×1, 570×1, 610×1 (projected opener)

Reverse band

650×1 (around a 2nd attempt)

  • My knees came in a bit in the hole on the 610, causing it to start slow. As I corrected it things went much better.


470×6… felt like doing a drop down set for some more volume.

Leg press

3 sets of 15

Hamstring curls

3 sets of 15

Reverse hyper

3 sets of 15

Calve raises

3 sets of 20+

  • That was it. This was a good session overall. Small technique issue to work on, but there’s several sessions left to get that right.


Sunday 12/6/15, Bench Day

This week I wanted to get into my bench shirt to start getting things figured out for the XPC finals. This is kind of uncharacteristic of training for a raw meet, but my raw bench is what it is, and no amount of training is going to change that. I’m probably 100 lbs. stronger than what I can physically handle because of the missing pec, already. Here’s what I did:

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Push ups, side laterals, scarecrows


60×25, 150×15, 200×10, 240×6, 270×3, 290×1

Raw shirt


Add Inzer Super Phenom

420x3x4 sets- 3 board

Close grip shoulder saver

240×5, 270×5, 290×8

Rope pushdowns

3 sets of 10

Lat pulldowns

5 sets of 10

Side laterals

3 sets of 15

  • Another good session. This super phenom I’m using is bigger than the one Chad Walker is using, but it still gives me some good pop, even at 3 boards. I’ll work it down over the coming weeks, then see about having it tightened up a bit.


Tuesday 12/8/2015, Deadlift night

We’re in the middle of a sale event at work, so I’m back to the long hours for the week. As a result I trained late, just me and the wife. I think we got to the gym some time between 9:30pm and 10pm. Here’s what I did:

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Glute bridges, Cat/Camel, BW squat


135×10, 225×10, 315×8, 405×5, 495×3, 565×3, 605×0 (right hamstring cramped up on me, decided to call it good and not push it)

  • The good news here is that I got into the best position I’ve been in, in a long time. The bad news is that my right hamstring cramped up, high up by the glute that was bothering me before last weeks ART appt. I woke up the next morning with that glute locking up again. So, back to the ART guy I go. But first I need to make it through the rest of this sale.

Hamstring curls (super light)

2 sets of 30+ reps


3 sets of 10 reps

DB shrugs

3 sets of 25 reps

  • That was all of it. Hit the road so I could get some rest.
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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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