24 Nov Zane Geeting, Off Season Week 8 with VIDEO
I recently competed in the RPS Northern KY Fall Throwdown where I totaled 1720@198 raw and qualified for the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic Sports Festival. I’m now in an off-season training cycle, training 2x per week, working on bringing up some weak areas
This was a solid week of training. Deload upper day, and some DL volume on the lower day. Here’s video of my top set of squat and deadlift from that lower session:
The deadlift is still a mess, I’m working on it though.
Here’s how both sessions went:
11/14/2017, Tuesday night upper session
As I said, this was a deload, so nothing to exciting. Bench has been going well, but my shoulders have been beat from all the work I’ve been doing on the farm in preparation for winter, so this was a very welcome session. Here’s what I did:
Warm up
Bird dogs, McGills, Push ups, Side laterals, Scarecrows, Rear delt raises
DB bench
3 sets, light
DB incline
3 sets, light
Side laterals
Lat pulldowns
Band pull aparts
50 total reps
- That was it. Quick and easy.
11/17/2017, Friday night lower session
The goal of the night was to work up with triples on the squat into to 70%-75% range, then hit some volume around 70% and possibly one heavier set if all went well. Here’s what I did:
Warm up
BW squat, Donkey kicks, McGills, Cat/Camel, more BW squat, Glute bridges
Warmed up to 420×3, then 470×3, add knee wraps: 510×3
Warmed up to 405×5, then… 495x1x6 sets, and 545×3
3×8 @335
Seal rows
4 sets of 12 reps
Hise shrugs
100 total reps
- That was it. Probably could have done some calf work, God knows I need it, but I didn’t. On to the next week.
Zane Geeting
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