04 Feb Zane Geeting, training for the week of 1/29/2016, with squat and deadlift video
I’m currently training for the XPC finals at the Arnold Classic sports festival. My goal at this meet is to best my PR total of 2175@220. So far things are looking good…
This week puts me 5 weeks out from the meet. I got a late start on this training cycle, but things are catching up nicely. Here’s some video of squats and deadlifts:
In this video I took straight weight up to an opener range, then added a reverse monster mini band and took something around a 3rd attempt. The band takes off nothing at the top, and 90 lbs. in the hole. Depth is close, I’ll be pushing that last inch in the coming weeks.
last warm-up deadlift
Around a planned opener
Here’s how training actually broke down…
1/29/2016, Friday night squat training
This one was an adventure. Dirk, Brandon, and I squatted pretty late in the evening (9pm or so) and there was a bunch of gear swapping going on, to figure out who was going to fit into what suit, etc. Not typical for 5 weeks out, but some people are fat and they need help, lol. Here’s what I did…
Warm up
McGill big 3, BW squat, Cat/Camel
150×10, 240×5, 330×3, 420×1
Briefs on
510×2, 600×1
Suit on, straps down
Full gear
750×1, 800×1 (video)
Reverse monster mini band
945×1 (video)
- This was actually a misload by 90 lbs. It went surprisingly well and gives me a ton of confidence going forward since this would be a 5 lb. PR for me if it were straight weight. Since we’re only using a reverse monster mini band, that isn’t a stretch.
Hamstring curls
3 sets of 15 reps
Leg extensions
2 sets of 20 reps
Good girl
2 sets of 20 reps
Bad girl
2 sets of 20 reps
- That was the end of it. This was a good, but very late session after the gear flip-flopping. I’m pretty sure we finished up around 1am.
2/3/2016, Wednesday night deadlift training
My deadlift training has been nothing short of a disaster this training cycle. I’ve had a bunch of nagging injuries that just didn’t let me pull the way I wanted to (or hardly at all for that matter) and I haven’t taken the time to pull in gear (stupid, I know)… But I’ve always been good when it comes to crunch time. So this night I decided to throw on my Inzer Leviathan Ultra Pro with no briefs to pull in. Fingers crossed…
Warm up
Bird dogs, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, BW squat, Glute bridges
135×10, 225×6, 315×3
Suit bottom
Straps up
505×1, 605×1, 700×1 (last 2 on video)
- These weren’t everything I’ve hoped and dreamed for, but it is a relief to know that I can still safely open around 700, and have a shot at pulling a PR. It would be nice if I could get in a good deadlift cycle some time, but until then I’ll just keep doing what I have been and relying on my squatting and a ton of upper back work to carry me. So far, so good.
3 sets of 12 reps
1 set of 8 reps (tweaked my right biceps a bit here, so I called it good)
Machine shrugs
3 sets for 100 total reps
Hammer curls
3 light sets of 15-20 reps to get a bunch of blood into the biceps that I tweaked.
- That’s it. I was on the road. There was no bench training this week because I had the flu on Sunday and Monday. It was not fun, and also the reason I waited til Wednesday to pull instead of the usual Tuesday night session. When I take that into account, I can’t be too mad that the 700 wasn’t as snappy as what I’m used to. I also noticed when I reviewed the video, that I was not nearly tight enough on the bar when I initiated the pull from the floor. Its been a long time since I’ve pulled in a suit, so I need to get used to that proper setup and tightness again. I’m sure I’ll get that dialed in next time I pull and things will go even better. Another example of why video review is soooo important.

Zane Geeting

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