Zane Geeting, training for the week of 2/19/16 with squat video

This is the last heavy week of training for the 2016 XPC finals at the Arnold Classic sports festival. At this meet I’m looking to best my PR total of 2175@220. Training has been a little hit and miss the past few weeks, but my strength is good and I’m confident that I will reach my goal.


To kick things off, here is a squat video. This is my last 2 warm ups and my opener. We made sure to take these to good anywhere type of depth so I’m ready for anything come meet day. Peep it:

Obviously these weren’t as snappy as the last few weeks, but they are also very deep. I don’t want to leave anything to chance.

Here’s what the week looked like:

2/20/2016, Saturday evening squat training.

This session got rescheduled from Friday to Saturday because Brandon had something come up. Our teammate Josh McMillan was kind enough to come spot us even though he wasn’t training. My wife was also good enough to come run the mono for us, so we could get our work in. Thank you guys, it was a huge help and we couldn’t have had the session that we did without you. Here’s how training went:

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, BW squat


150×10, 240×6, 330×3


420×2, 510×1, 600×1

Suit, straps down

700×1 (video)

Full gear

750×1, 800×1 (both on video)

  • These weren’t quite what I was hoping for, but I got them in and am confident I’ll get an opener in no matter how they are calling them. That’s a good feeling.

Leg curls

3 sets of 15 reps

Leg extensions

3 sets of 15-20 reps

  • That was it. Quick one.


2/21/2016, Sunday morning bench training

This session was a rough one. I was super tight from squatting about 12 hours earlier so I couldn’t get my upper back arch set well. I was also sore through the wrists and elbows. I probably would have been better off benching with Brandon after squatting, but it is what it is. Here’s what I did:

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Push ups, Scarecrows, Side laterals


60×25, 150×15, 200×8, 240×5, 290×1

Raw shirt


58 SDP

420×2 (3 board)

470×1 (2 board)

510×1 (1 board)

560x dump x2

  • I just couldn’t get into position and it was making my stroke way too long. I was having to touch way too low, and as a result I lost the bar on the way up both times. I’m not too worried about it though as this was the only bad bench session I’ve had all cycle and it came less than 12 hours after taking an opener squat.

Lat pulldowns

3 light sets of 10 reps

  • That was it, hit the road.

2/23/2016, Tuesday night deadlift training

By this point I was feeling much better than I did Sunday morning. The idea here was to work up to an opener for 1 or 2 singles. Here’s what I did:

Warm up

Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, BW squat


135x10x2 sets, 225×5, 315×3

Suit bottom

405×1, 495×1

Straps up

605×1, 705x1x2 sets

  • This went well. I was able to make some adjustments to the suit and pull the second single much better and faster than the first. My deadlift is not the strongest its ever been, but I still think I can squeak out a PR. Honestly, I may not need to for the total PR if things go well anyways, so we’ll see.

Rack rows

3 sets of 10 reps


3 sets of 15 reps

DB shrugs

3 sets of 20+ reps

Hammer curls

3 sets of 10-12 reps

  • That was the end of it. The accessories are more than I would normally do at this point, but I felt like I needed a little more work, and I kept them very light. 2 days later I’m feeling great, so I know that was the right call.
  • This coming weeks training will be 2-3 days of light pump work just to stay fresh, burn up the old glycogen in the muscles and replenish with new. The hard training is done, now all I really need to do is mentally prepare.
  • BW is only 225 in the morning, so the cut is basically non existent. A good water load will have me under, especially with the way my diet is now (cleaner than ever) I’m actually having to allow myself more cheat meals than normal just to maintain that lighter weight. This will be the lightest I’ve been at a meet since I hit my first pro total in 2010. I think its going to help me as I’m in better shape and we’re about to have a barn-burner of a meet with 80+ lifters.


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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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