28 Mar Zane Geeting, Training from the week of 3/20/17
I’m currently in an off-season cycle, working on bringing up work capacity, leg strength and the pecs, or what’s left of them. These are the areas that I have identified as my weak points. As of right now it looks like my next meet will be in Sept. More on that as it approaches.
This was a good week of training, it was week 2 of my off season cycle, and already things are moving in the right direction. Below is what I did. Video’s will resume next week, while the weights are light, it will give an idea of what I’m doing and how easy the weights are moving in this phase of training.
3/21/2017, Tuesday night DL training.
During this off season I’m on an every other week pulling schedule. The off weeks will consist of snatch grip block pulls to strengthen the mid-upper back. These are a good movement for strengthening that area because of my long torso. The weeks that I pull from blocks I will be squatting a little heavier, whereas the weeks that I pull volume from the floor, I will be squatting lighter volume as well. Here’s what this session looked like:
Warm up
Bird dogs, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, BW squat
Snatch grip block pull
Warmed up, then… 315x5x3 sets
Bent over rows
225x8x3 sets
Close grip chins
3 sets of 8-10 reps
DB shrugs
100’s x20x3 sets
Rear delt DB fly/Alt DB curl SS
3 sets of 15/10
Hammer curl/Neck machine SS
3 sets of 15/15
- That was all of it for this session. The supersets at the end are being done to improve work capacity/conditioning. Both training days will be incorporating these at some level in order to achieve this. Other than that, its all pretty simple stuff, working the back for the pull.
3/24/2017, Friday night squat and bench training
This was another good session. As I mentioned above, there will be a volume/intensity rotation on squats that coincides with pulling from the floor. This week of heavier squatting will wither be done with chains, or in wraps to handle more weight, but not too much stress on the body in the hole. Bench work is done in my typical off-season manner. Barbell one week, dumbbells the next. This was a barbell week. Here’s what I did:
Warm up
Bird dogs, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, BW squat
Warmed up to 330×8, then… 330+80 lbs chain x3, 330+160 lbs chain x1, 380+160 lbs chain x1, 420+160 lbs chain x1
Belt squat
210×10, 255x10x2 sets
Warmed up to 235×5, then… 255x8x3 sets
Dips/Wide chins SS
3 sets of 15/10
- This session got cut short because of a late start. We started training around 9pm, and it was already after 11pm. I wanted to get some food in me so opted to get home and do that instead of finishing some of the accessory work. Not prime, but I got in the important part of the training and the nutrition was more important to me at this point. Next week I will push the pace a little more and make sure to get all the work in. It will be quite a bit of volume, but I’ll make it happen.

Zane Geeting

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