21 Apr Zane Geeting, Training week of 4/13/15. Squatting and deadlifting again
I’m currently in an off season training block. The last few weeks have included little to no barbell movements and have been spent focusing on improving work capacity and bringing up some weak areas. This week I’ve started adding in the barbell movements and transitioning back into a regular off season training block. The focus is still the same, but the weights will be heavier and the movements will be practiced directly.
This was still a busy week for me, but I managed to get in a couple very solid training sessions that I’m very happy with. The first one was a deadlift session for volume on Tuesday night, and the second was a squat session to feel things out on Friday night. These were the first times I had squatted and deadlifted since the XPC finals in the first week or March. Here’s how it went:
Tuesday night Deadlift training
Warm up- Bird dogs, McGill’s, Rolling planks, Fat man rows and push ups, Glute bridges, BW squatting.
Sumo deadlift, belt only
Warm up, then… 405x8x2 sets, and 405x10x1 set (55% x26 total reps)
Pendlay row
Warm up, then… 225x8x3 sets
Chest supported row
3 sets of 15 reps
DB shrugs
3 sets of 20 reps
Curls supersetted with neck machine
3 sets of 15-20 each +1 extra set of neck
JL planks
30 sec x2 sets
– This was a solid session. The pulls were extremely light, but the reps did tire me out. The next time I pull, it will be in the 60%-65% range, in the same total rep range, if not a touch higher. The Pendlay rows were super light also, but they felt good and I was sore the next day, so that tells me they worked what I wanted them to. Obviously I’ll ramp the weight up on those in the coming weeks as well.
Friday night squat training
Warm up- BW squat, Bird dogs, McGills, Rolling planks, Glute bridges
Squat, belt only
Warm up with higher reps, then… 420×5, 470×3
True squat machine
4 sets of 15 reps.
Seated leg curls
4 sets of 12-15 reps
Reverse hyper
3 sets of 15 reps around 50% of raw squat max
Calve raises suppersetted with shrugs on squat machine
3 sets of 20 reps, each.
Rolling planks
1 set
JL planks
45 sec x1 set
Regular plank
1 set to near failure
– I called it good there. It doesn’t look like much, but the reps were high and I was tired. It probably doesn’t help that it was near midnight when I finished and I had been up since 6:30am. Either way, I’m happy with it. The squats were a bit awkward, but that’s to be expected when you haven’t had a bar on your back in many weeks. Tuesday and Brandon both said I was burying them, as well, so I guess my flexibility is good.
– I did skip Sunday’s bench session in favor of working on the house. I will do some bench work on Tuesday night along with my deadlift accessory session to make up for it. This is where you have to be creative to make sure you’re getting in everything you need to. Stay tuned for that.
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Zane Geeting

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