Adam Driggers, Raw Pull Progression

Leading up to the Arnold 2014 I knew I was retiring. I had no plans of competing past that. Win, lose, or bomb, that would be it. What I hadn’t given much thought to was what my training would be like after that. I just hadn’t considered it. Just weeks  later I realized I wasn’t through chasing my own PRs. I still wanted to focus on the same three movements and I still wanted to maintain and increase strength. There are other things I focus on in the gym, but ultimately I haven’t been able to lay aside the main goal I’ve had for years. Get stronger!

In April, after mapping out a plan, I tested my raw max for the pull. I pulled 565. It felt like a ton and I was convinced that I needed to find something else to do with my time. It was devastating and I mean that. I was alone in the gym, I think I knew it was going to be bad and chose the alone time to test it, but I took video to critique myself. Most of the time a lift will look better to me on video than it felt, but not so this time. I was just as disappointed watching it as I felt pulling it. Hours later, when I had accepted how horrible it was, I sent the video to my friend Brian Carroll. No one else has seen it. He laughed it off and told me not to worry about it. “Go to work and fix it”, or something like that is what he said. I am doing that now. The following video is a progression of my pull since April. I’m still off my best raw pull of 655, but it’s coming back nicely. And though I’m not back to my best, I’m already eyeing new goals past that.

Pull progression:

555 x 3 from two weeks ago: [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]

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Team Samson Powerlifting

Team Samson was founded by Adam Driggers who built the Team Samson compound. Some of the biggest names in powerlifting have trained with Team Samson including Dondell Blue, Al Caslow, and Gary Frank. What began as a small group of members has grown into an accomplished team of lifters that continue to chase after new strength gains. Team Samson is made up of pro lifters Brian Carroll, Clint Smith, and Jonathan Byrd along with lifters in various stages of their lifting career including Adam Driggers, Keith Price, Filipe Gusmão, Mike Holman, Paul Key, Shane Ford, Shane Shepperd, and Tony Garland.
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