Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life Precontest | Week 1 day 1 Squat & Deadlift | 10 weeks out from the WPO

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I officially started my prep on Saturday, and the goal is to start getting my body used to the load and pressure that will be coming over the next ten weeks.

This session took place exactly 10 weeks out from November 11. I’m very happy with how the last 10 weeks have went.


This first 10/20/Life precontest 3 week mini-cycle (2 weeks up, 1 week deload) will consist of the following: Straight bar squats with full gear, Bench press with SDP off boards, and deads from the floor in the fusion (starting next week).

  • Inzer LUP Size 2xl, Preds Size 38 and 4×4 Knee wraps
  • SDP Black Size 56 and 56/54 with 4×4 Wrist wraps
  • Fusion DL with Velcro & Grid, size 38
  • Red/White/Blue Inzer Forever Belt



9.1.18 Week 1, day 1 Squat/DL:

  • 70% for singles


  • McGill Big 3
  • Side laterals
  • Scapula walks
  • Internal/external rotation
  • Rear delt flye
  • Band pull-aparts


  1.  Predator Briefs to 700, 2 singles at 810 – 70%
  2.  Fusion DLer from 2″ blocks: 2 singles 585 – 70%
  3.  Pause belt squat: 3×6
  4.  Walking cooldown


Excellent training session and environment on Saturday. I freaking love it. Everything felt right and natural and moved as well as it should at this point. If anything at 70% is substantial, I’m in trouble, regardless of how trained or detrained may or may not be.

I’m stoked for the coming weeks where this hard work will start revealing itself.

Body feels better than it has in a long time and the extra mile pays off. Training will become difficult in the coming weeks, and per usual, I’ll want to cut corners but to see the roster will keep me on track. Knowing one missed lift could bump me down a place or 4.

Here’s a peak of the roster:


Matt Minuth
Daniel Tinajero
David Jenkinson
Clint Smith
Chris Della Fave
James Burdette
Jim Benson
Brian Carroll
Brian Hill
Dan Dalenberg
Derek Wilcox
Kelle Rasanen
Jason Coker
Jimmy Pacifico
Zac Whalen
Chad Hammond
Anthony Oliveira
Curtis Arnold
Chris Haywood
Ramil Akhmad
Zane Geeting
Tony Carlino
Jon Shackelford
Brando Cass
Luke Edwards
Mike Webber
Dustin Reed
Oskari Lehtinen
Teemu Leppanen
Igor Umerenkov
Hassan Zaid
Joe Rother

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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