Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life precontest| Week 1 Day 2 | Bench with video

Blue and I will be competing in December to qualify for the WPO Semi-finals/XPC Worlds. I need to achieve a top 30 by a coefficient to qualify. The goal is not to peak for this meet, but to get a total. I will be competing at 308 for the first time but will drop back down to 275 for future meets.

Week 1, Day 2 Monday’s Bench 9.30.19

Normal 10/20/Life Warm-up


  • Bench top set of 235×3, 285×2 plus 220-ish in chain
  • Added SDP shirt Size 60: 5boardd-375×3, 4board-415×3, 3board-465×3+ chains
  • Incline DB press: 3×10
  • Triceps pressdown with bands: 3×15


Like the squat on Saturday, the bench was HEAVY. I fell to some peer pressure and went heavier than I should have and doubled 285, when I should have went lighter and did a triple.

After I finished my raw work, I moved on to SDP work with varying grips as the shirt was stretching. I had a couple training partners wear this shirt for about 10 sets before I slid it on and started with a 5-board, then down to a 3 by my last set.

The good news is my shoulder felt fine with the wider comp grip in the shirt/felt good in the shirt overall (I was concerned about both). I was a little worried after not loading it that heavy for 11months that it may get grumpy, but even 4 days later I have zero pain.

Great session, very happy with the progress.

The weight loss is still a work in progress (diet is good but snacks)–lot’s of cool things on the horizon that I’m excited about in training and in life, so it’s not a huge concern at this point. Simply dropping about 5-7lbs has made a massive difference. I want to carry about 285-90 with the same BF composition as I carried at 265.

Tossing Pred briefs on this weekend and will be cranking it up a little bit! I’m thinking around a 600 triple and 700 single plus chains. We shall see.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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