Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life Precontest | Week 2 day 2 Bench press | 9 weeks out from the WPO

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I officially started my prep 9.1.18, and the goal is to start getting my body used to the load and pressure that will be coming over the next ten weeks.

I’m very happy with how the last 10 weeks (offseason) have went and plan on building upon this over the next few weeks.


This first 10/20/Life precontest 3 week mini-cycle (2 weeks up, 1 week deload) will consist of the following: Straight bar squats with full gear, Bench press with SDP off boards, and deads from the floor in the fusion (starting next week). This session concluded the first mini-cycle wave.

  • Inzer LUP Size 2xl, Preds Size 38 and 4×4 Knee wraps
  • SDP Black Size 56 and 56/54 with 4×4 Wrist wraps
  • Fusion DL with Velcro & Grid, size 38
  • Red/White/Blue Inzer Forever Belt



9.10.18 Week 2, day 2 Bench press 


  • McGill Big 3
  • Side laterals
  • Scapula walks
  • Internal/external rotation
  • Rear delt flye


  1.  Bench press: 325×1, 375×1
  2.  SDP: 465×2 – 5bd, 505×2, 4bd, 575×2 – 3bd, 615×1 – 2bd, 2 singles
  3.  Medium grip lockout work in SDP: 505×3, 555x2x3
  4.  Skull variations: 6×10
  5.  Walking cooldown


Made it through the first three weeks which in some ways are the hardest to get used to. I have the next week plus to get healed up and mentally prepare for some loads in the 80-90% range which will become difficult with all three lifts all being pretty substantial in weight.

This SDP fits like a glove, love it. I’m working on dialing in my set-up, so it’s the same each time, but I have work yet.

615 felt good in my hands, and aside the growing pains of wearing a newer shirt and being uncomfortable, taking the 2bd with less than 80% is right where I need to be, and no more.

All of the guys at Samson have been an enormous help in coaching me, breaking in my new shirts and keeping my head on straight.

Again, equipped lifting is very very difficult and IMO impossible without a fantastic supporting cast.

This next week will consist mainly of KB/DB’s and Belt squat variations. This will help me heal up while not overload me; yet keeping me stimulated.

The next 5 weeks will be crucial for my confidence on November 11. This first wave is more of an adjustment period, now comes the real work.

UPDATE: I’ve waited to post this training session, but apparently my Hero 4 GO-PRO has some hardware issues, and I won’t be able to pull my videos off.

I will get this sorted out soon but the weights felt great!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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