Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life Precontest | Week 7 day 1 Squat and Deadlift | 4 weeks out from the WPO

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I officially started my prep 9.1.18, and the goal was to start getting my body used to the Inzer gear, load, and pressure that will be coming over the next ten weeks.

We are now less than four weeks out from November 11.


This first 10/20/Life precontest 3 week mini-cycle (2 weeks up, 1 week deload) consisted of the following: Straight bar squats LUP and 4×4 knee wraps, Bench press with SDP off boards, and deads from the floor in the Fusion.


The first part (3 weeks) of my training cycle went well. So far so good on this second mini-cycle too as this is the second “up” week which wrapped up Monday 10.1 with some benches in the 90% plus range off the 2board. 

I just finished my deload week – recovering from the second wave (3 weeks) as I’m now on the home stretch and final three weeks of the push starting 10.13.18


10.14.18 Saturday Week 7, day 1 Squat/DL 


  • McGill Big 3
  • Side laterals
  • Scapula walks
  • Internal/external rotation
  • Rear delt flye


  1.  Squat – 645 (briefs), full gear: 740, 840, 940, 1040 – racked and called it a day.
  2.  Deadlift: 700×1 (around an opener)
  3.  Suitcase carry: 4 trips
  4.  Walking cooldown


For those following along, for this cycle, I’m working off my goal percentages and staying pretty much week to a week straight out of the 10/20/Life book with the template progressions, every 3-week deloads, etc. but one significant change would be multiple single-sets vs. rep-sets of triples and doubles.

I’m going to go ahead and forget about this training day. On 1040, the bar rolled on the unrack and didn’t feel very good on my shoulders, lat, and biceps, so I racked it and shut down the squat.

My biceps tendons weren’t happy pulling, so after the 700 I shut it down. Nothing was painful really, but a little shift with a bar on your back is not good, and my body let me know.

I typically have about 2-3 training days like this which are a complete wash, so other than it pisses me off, I didn’t let it bother me too bad and started focusing on Monday’s bench session to make up for it.

If I didn’t have bad day or two, I would be worried.

Moving forward.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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