Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life | Week 2 day 3 Squat & DL assistance | 21 weeks out from the WPO

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Announcement: Our first Gift of Injury course (Dr. McGill and Myself) is scheduled for Columbus, Ohio on December 1, 2018, at The Spot Athletics. This excellent facility, owned by Legend Powerlifter, Business Mogul and Strength Authority JL Holdsworth in Dublin. You can register HERE.

I want to give a shoutout to and for their support and backing. Support the companies that support our sport!

If you haven’t yet, check out my new series of articles “my greatest influences,” please see the links below:

Louie Simmons- One of my greatest influences 

Dondell Blue- One of my greatest influences 


As some of you have read, I am working on some weaknesses and imbalances in my shoulder capsule. This has been something I have worked around (or ignored the dull pain in my rear delt during the squat) for years but it finally reared it’s ugly head a few months ago when I almost ripped my pec of the bone literally raising my arm.

I’m slowly getting back to regular training, but it’s currently focused around correcting this issue and attacking my weak points.

  • Warm-up: General 10/20/Life warm-up, as usual, each day includes but not limited to: Breaking a sweat, McGill big 3 and always band pull-aparts and shoulder band/DB work.
  • Training:
  1.  Side laterals: 4×10
  2. Rear delt flye w/squeeze: 4×10
  3. More band pull-aparts (did them in warm-up too)
  4. 2-arm DB row w/squeeze: 4×10
  5. Neutral grip lat-pull down with stretch and squeeze: 4×10
  6. Leg extension: 8×10
  7. Bulgarian Split squat: 3×10 – piston style
  8. Rope press-downs: 4×10
  9. One Leg GM: 4×6
  10. 2-arm rope press-down: 4×10
  11. Left-arm double band triceps extension: 4×10
Again, nothing too sexy but it is a must. I look at this time as investing in my body and my future pain management. 21 weeks out.
As you can see, I’m doing rear delt work every single training session now also a full body training circuit of sorts. I have been keeping the pace fast to ensure not getting too fat since the intensity of upper days is so slack vs. what it typically is.
I’m getting treatment 2-3x per week on my shoulder and doing rehab every single day. It’s funny because my tightness has nearly gone full circle 360degrees around my body front the front of my R shoulder to the back of my left shoulder, trap, and levator scap, scalene, and SCM.
While I’ve been correcting some imbalances, I have also seen a significant improvement in my posture and evenness shoulder to shoulder from a side, front and back relaxed posture.
Huge thanks to Dr. Amy, Dr. Mary D and Dr. Crosby for tag-teaming me. If you’re in the Jax area, look them up depending on where you live.
Dr. Amy Bernstein: (Mandarin)

Tri-Dimension Spinal Rehab

Dr.  Adam Crosby: (Beaches)
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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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