Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life | Week 5 day 2 Bench | 18 weeks out from the WPO

Week 2 of 3-week mini-cycle. This cycle will consist of the following:

Cambered bar squats for triples/doubles then single/deload

4″ block pulls – same rep scheme the next four weeks as squat

  • Will add belt and wraps in a couple of weeks
  • Will add briefs in about four weeks

Stability bench – might do more repetitions since this is more of ‘rehab’/transitional at this point but same idea. So far, sets of 5 each week.

  • Will add wrist wraps and sleeves next week


  • McGill Big 3
  • Side laterals
  • Internal/external rotation
  • Rear delt flye
  • Band pull-aparts
  • A little bit of hip mobility

Training Week 5, day 2 Bench:

  • RPE 7
  1.  DB press: 5×10
  2.  Stability bench: 5×5 – 185 + 25lbs
  3.  3board press: 185, 225, 275, 315×3
  4.  KB bottoms-up press: 3×12
  5.  DB skull variations: 3×20
  6. One-arm Triceps press-down: 3×15


Great group of lifters at Samson on Monday. We had Adam, Keith, Blue, Filipe, Mike, and Clint all hammering out some bench. The proper atmosphere is necessary for everyone to elevate.

All of my work went about as planned. The main work for bench was heavier than it should have been, but I’m also starting from scratch. No pain around the shoulder or pec with the 315 off the boards either, so this is good.

I’ll be adding Inzer elbow sleeves next week and their new 4×4 wrist wraps, which I can describe as something between a gripper and a double gripper with both positive attributes in one wrap. I’ve already seen the 4×4 knee wraps in action, and they are fantastic!

I’m also very much looking forward to building my base over the next few weeks, then getting into a new SDP that Mike will be breaking in for me.

The key for me right now is patience and dialing in my set-up. I do quite a bit of shifting on the bench, and I’m addressing these issues. More soon to come on this. I need to give my shoulder time to adapt to load again. The KB bottoms up KB work, the stability presses and the extra attention to shoulder work.. this detail will be necessary.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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