04 Dec Brian Carroll offseason training – Week 2, day 2 – squat/dead assistance
Brian Carroll’s 10/20/Life and Paul Carter’s Lift-Run-Bang Team up!
January 17th and 18th 2015
Madtown Fitness in Madison Wisconsin
Address: 802 Stewart St, Madison, WI 53713
Phone:(608) 270-9606
What will be covered:
-Offseason training for mass
-Correcting weaknesses in movements
-Fixing muscular imbalances
-Injury rehabilitation
-Mobility and Prehabilitation
-Training mentality – How not to get complacent, how to build confidence in your lifts through proper goal setting
-Strength peaking
-Picking assistance movements that you need – how to choose them, how to perform them
-Hands on coaching for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
14-ish weeks until the Arnold, which is March 7, 2015.
I’m finishing week 2 of offseason work this week. I’ve had enough time off now. I’m ready to get back to it. This will be all raw for 5 weeks.
I plan on bringing my bodyweight down to the 260 range vs 265 – 268 so I can make the cut as simple as possible. I’ll be working on dropping the weight over the next little bit.
I’m making Saturday a day to hit all 3 big movements – squat/bench/deadlift to ensure my back continues to have the conditioning necessary to improve. Also, I REALLY LIKE doing all 3 on one day, then just assistance work on the other 2 days. Works well, especially raw.
Normal warm-up: Always McGill big 3
BW squat
Mcgill chin: 20 singles – love these
Rack barbell row: 3×6 – 275 nice and easy
Band fly: for the hell of it
DB shrug: 3×12
1-arm KB swing: 3×12
Goblet KB squat: 3×12
Goblet piston squat: 3×10
1-leg GM: 3×12
Did some other stuff but not very important as I can’t remember! Good session and everything felt good.
NO pain or aches anywhere which is awesome. The only issue I’m having is the eating too freaking much. I’m over 265 and I need to get this under control. This is due to me liking junk food too much. Either way, I’ll get this under control! I know it’s water weight/retention but I need to be better about snacking.
I’m going up to NY this weekend to help my boy Scott Paltos come back to the lifting platform after 13 years. His training went very well and I’m looking forward to this trip.
Anything you need from me or have questions, email me here: briancarroll.lmt@gmail.com [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]
Brian Carroll
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