Brian Carroll Offseason-Week 11, day 3: Squat/DL Assistance


I’m currently training for the RPS Meet in FT Lauderdale, Oct 25. I’m in offseason training and will move into precontest at about 10 weeks out. My bodyweight is hovering around 264 in the AM, and I will slowly move toward 260 over the next couple of months, where I want it to stay.

NOTE: Team Samson will also be doing a Seminar the following day, stay tuned for details.

I’m going to compete at 242, as I feel better there, overall.

For the full story of why I decided to go 242, read this: A Look in the Mirror, Part 1

A few things to start:
1. Still on somewhat of a deload week, but I’m keeping the volume higher than normal to make up for the last couple of weeks being not so consistent.

2. My metabolism is on point now. Or whatever/however you want to put it: basically I’m less of a lard-ass–a burger and fries won’t bloat me 7lb, like it used to.

3. I have only a couple weeks left of ‘offseason’. Time to start flipping the switch.

4. I’m going to 4 days per week (been 3 for a minute). The 4th day(Thursday). More of a fluff and buff, but with BW dips, Push-ups, Mcgill core work, etc.

5. My legs are feeling ‘thin’. This is one of the draw backs of slimming down for me. Waist and hips come down along with legs – this tends to make my squat a liability. To combat my legs from thinning out, I’m going to keep the volume up – Hit them harder on both Squat/Dl day, and my secondary day. I’m going to do this by some BB style squats on my accessory day(raw, and not heavy)- then by lots of heavy sled drags on my main squat/dl day. I will hit them hard enough between the sumos and regular squats, but the secondary day will be key. I have to make sure nutrition is also on point on my leg days. Gotta keep these legs filled out.

Look for a follow up article soon on plans

Mcgill Big 3
Band BW squat
KB swing
Band fly
Band skull
Super set of Mcgill chins/Birdogs, to finish up. I guess I got a little carried away, bro.

Mcgill Pull-up: 10 singles, fast pace
Piston Style Bodybuilding squat* see video and description: 8,8,6

Sumo Barbell shrug DOH: 3×10
One arm KB swing: 3×10 – fast pace
Bent over DB row(think barbell row): 3×10
GHR: 3×6
Mcgill crunch: 10x10sec hold – used this as a cool down.

I really, really liked the Piston Style/BB squat for my quads. You can see my quads shaking in the video. I used my OLY shoes to hyper-focus the quads and keep tension on them — not go down the whole way (more hips and glutes) but not lockout either and take tension off the muscle. I will keep these in for a while and see what they do. I will move faster, more BB style as I get more comfortable and see what works best. I like the piston style to warm-up too. Basically, not locking out, not going all the way down for high reps and fast pace!

The rest was typical lower/back assistance day.

Going to throw on my suit/brief combo and work some doubles on Saturday. Will be starting a mini cycle for block pulls too. Fun stuff!
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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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