Brian Carroll Offseason Week 9, day 1 & 2

I just finished competing at the XPC Arnold Finals 3/7/15 where I totaled 2610@242 and won the overall. I did not achieve ALL of my goals but I’m still happy with the results, not content.

I’m after the total record at 242 of 2695, and squat record of 1140. My best total ever is 2730, and best squat ever is 1185 – my best individual lifts combined are low to mid 2800’s at 275. My best total at 242 is 2610 and I will be adding to that very soon.

I am registered to compete in August at the RPS Meet in NJ, but first guest dead-lifting at the RPS Ft. Myers meet May 30, followed by a 10/20/life Seminar on Sunday, May 31. Register HERE!

The plan for summer is to take my heavy weeks while home, and working raw and in briefs while gone on the road. Too many distractions while traveling to ensure that I’ll be on point and have all I need to go over 1k on the squat.

team 1020life

See all these 10/20/Life t-shirts and hoodies in picture above! You can order them HERE

NEXT SEMINAR UP: Long Island, NY June 6!. You can sign up HERE

This spring, summer, AND fall, Team PRS will be covering a good bit of the United States doing SEMINARS AND CLINICS so make sure to check our schedule to see if I’ll be near you! If you are interested in having our team come to you, contact me here:


I’ve been good about my diet and my walking lately. With that said, walking on uneven ground is not good for your gait. I let one of my hips hike up and it was starting to bother me squatting, so I’m all over therapy right now. I took the day off Saturday and did a bunch of the mcgil big 3, foam rolling and working on my lateral hip rotators.

I neglected a few aspects of my recovery and will start implementing some foam rolling and massage on my non training days as well as some chiropractic therapy for my hips, quads and ITB’s.

YES FOAM ROLLING. I never said it was bad, just ask yourself 1. why are you doing it and 2. and if you really need it. I do right now.

So saturday is explained above, recovery day.

Monday (today Happy Memorial day) JB and I nailed a nice upper session.

McGill Big 3 and warm-up as usual…..
Band shoulder dislocation…

Incline DB press: lots of sets of 10-20
Flat DB press: 4×12
Band fly: 4×15
Band skull SS w/ rope pushdowns: 3×15
Hammer curl: 3×15
Rolling plank: 50

Great session! I’ve been trying to keep the bar off my back and out of my hands as much as possible right now but pretty soon (june) JB and I will be transitioning into a more traditional block of training and will be adding some New INZER GEAR back in.

I’ve really enjoyed the downtime and the DB work but it’s about to end….

After I pull next week at the RPS meet, we will start a new offseason block on monday.

It will look like this:
Sat – squat/dead – briefs, pause squats/block pulls
Mon – Bench – shirt work, floor press, 3bd raw
Wed – SQT/DL ass – Upper back, ham and quad work
Thurs – Bench ass/fluff and buff

As July approaches, we will add more gear in and will be breaking in new inzer gear(suits and shirts) to get the correct fit & form for the Super Duper Phenoms, Leviathans, Preds, FusionDL & MaxDL!

I’m sure some wrinkles will appear here and there, but we plan on putting in some serious work over the next couple of months before the end of august.

3months out! I’m looking forward to getting back in the leviathan and SDP!

Any questions, let me know!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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