Brian Carroll | Precontest Week 2, day 3 & 4| Assistance work

I just finished competing at the XPC Arnold Finals 3/7/15 where I totaled 2610@242 and won the overall. I did not achieve ALL of my goals but I’m still happy with the results, not content.

I’m after the total record at 242 of 2695, and squat record of 1140. My best total ever is 2730, and best squat ever is 1185 – my best individual lifts combined are low to mid 2800’s at 275. My best total at 242 is 2610 and I will be adding to that very soon.

My next meet is RPS Meet August 29, in Atlantic City, NJ. I’ll be lifting at 242.

Training for this competition starts now. I have about 9 weeks in each lift to get things right.

team 1020life

See all these 10/20/Life t-shirts and hoodies in picture above! You can order them HERE

This spring, summer, AND fall, Team PRS will be covering a good bit of the United States doing SEMINARS AND CLINICS so make sure to check our schedule to see if I’ll be near you! If you are interested in having our team come to you, contact me here:

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New NEXT LEVEL Guys & Girls Shirts NOW loaded HERE

It’s been a a very good week of training. I’m very happy with my bodyweight, how I’m feeling and my new Inzer gear. The new Leviathan Ultra Pro Squat Suit is going to be the coolest thing to hit the equipped market since the original Canvas many, many years ago.


Embrace change, evolution and progression or get off your smart phone texting your besties, stop driving your 300HP economical sedan with 30MPG, your super comfy running shoes, don’t ever skype another human ever again and you BETTER not FLY on an AIRPLANE!

I’ll have a full HD video up soon added to the sales page, so be on the lookout for that.

I now have ALL of my gear and most of it is 100% dialed in and some about 85% which at this point is GOOD. Inzer has always been good to me and now that I have the opportunity to help my team out with the best gear, it’s a perfect co-op.

I guess I need to book my trip! LOL


I ended up combining both SQT/DL assistance into one day since we are moving up squat day to Friday night vs Sat am due to the 4th of july!

McGill Big 3
Band fly

McGill Chins: 20
DB shrug: 3×15
Triceps press-down: 3×15
Hammer curl: 3×12
One leg KB GM: 3×15
Band Shoulder Dislocation: 20
Birddogs to finish…
Foam Rolling and some mobility work

Good session. Like I said above, I’m feeling good aside the normal aches and pains here and there (hips and elbows mainly from shirted benching) which is TO BE expected from time to time. I did hurt my back or something a while back. I Forget the details.

I got 2 massages this week and have been very aware of everything I’m doing day to day to stay in my routine. This for me, is key. I have very bad OCD and I’m easily distracted and sidetracked. If I get thrown off my routine too much I lose my mind and spin my wheels. Not good.

I’m very much looking forward to starting week 3 and putting some weight on my back and in my hands.

Good stuff!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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