12 Oct Brian Carroll Precontest Week 9, day 3
I’m currently training for the RPS Meet in FT Lauderdale, Oct 25. I’m at about 2 weeks out.
Weight has stabilized between 264-267 without too much effort. Once I cut out the crap at night, I should drop down to 260 pretty easily, but I dont want to do that now because I feel good, and my gear fits well at this weight.
I’m going to compete at 242, as I feel better there, overall.
For the full story of why I decided to go 242, read this: A Look in the Mirror, Part 1
Mcgill Big 3
BW squats
Band fly
On Wednesday, I was still trying to settle back in from traveling and the big weekend. I needed to stay active and put some work in, as much as I wanted to just rest. Once I got going, I felt great – which is pretty much always the case.
After my normal warm-up, I went with some KB swings (I do these SUPER light, like 30lb with one hand) and open up my hips and warm-up my back. I really don’t see a reason to do these super heavy, especially when ‘swinging’ is involved, but that’s just me. At all depends on the goal, I get it.
Mcgill pull-ups: 20 singles – fast paced
Front squat (Piston style): 3 sets of 5
Barbell shrug: 3×10 DOH
Standing leg extension w/band: 3×15
GHR: 3×10
Mcgill crunch: 10x10sec hold
Rolling plank w/side bridge: 1 minute rounds, 3x – this was fun
This felt really good to do. Nothing was too heavy, but I felt much better as I progressed through the session.
Saturday was scheduled to be my last heavy lower session, so I wanted to be in good shape both physically and mentally going into this one, so all light and fast paced work.
The whole “under trained” state that I posted about 2 weeks ago has worked to my advantage. I feel great, rested and mentally ready for this meet. The key was having 2-3 weeks to prime my body and get some work in and I did just that. I might be onto something with this at 5-6 weeks out, but as I preach in 10/20/Life – the envelope has to be pushed at some points and some overtraining reached in order to have some hyper-recovery and get the rebound effect going into the meet with rest.
Lets see how the meet pans out, and that will really tell me something. [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]

Brian Carroll

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