Brian Carroll | Week 2, Day 1 Precontest | Squat and Dead with video

Currently in Offseason mode as I get ready to transition into precontest mode for 10/29 in NC for an RPS meet.


Huge thanks to Captain and Inzer Advance Designs for supporting my lifting!

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I’m transitioning into more of a traditional offseason now vs the fluff and buff ‘coasting’ that I’ve been doing to heal up. 2 months has just flown by like crazy. My plan is to continue offseason for a few more weeks then do Tony Cowdens RPS meet Halloween Weekend in NC.

What the last block looked like for August:
Monday – Feet up bench as main lift
Wed – stays the same, just heavier and more intense – squat/DL assistance
Thur – Full and buff upper
Sat – Pause squats with cambered or buffalo bar – deads off blocks. no equipment

New block that I started 9/5
Monday – raw bench off chest, Raw boards then some shirted (that’s it the whole day)
Wed – Squat/DL assistance – rowing, split squats, chins, leg press etc
Thursday – Bench assistance & Fluff and Buff
Saturday – Squat(adding gear soon)/DL (staying raw & off blocks for a while) & Leg press (wraps, shirt and squat suit for this)


Saturday 9.10.16 – Squat/DL day

Squat: RPE 7 – all singles
525 – no gear
added special knee wraps
Predator briefs
Added LUP squat suit

Deadlift – 4″ blocks, no gear
705×1 – RPE 7

Leg press: 3×6
Stir the pot: 100

Great training session. Felt good to get back in the Inzer gear after a little over 3mo out of it. Everything felt good and light as it should have. I want to keep the volume high on the raw and raw with briefs etc so that I’m getting in plenty of work with the squat – it needs the most work. I’ll be doing plenty of assistance work on Wed every week too.

Dead feels great right now. Nice and snappy. Looking forward to getting back in my Fusion DL suit to see the carryover. Should be about 2 weeks until I do.

The plan is to really nail the gas come Oct. So more of the same with week 3, then a nice deload. I will make sure I’m nice and fresh for the most important sessions in October. I’m really just doing the best that I can considering that I don’t have a ton of time. I think it’s going to work out just perfect.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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