Brian Carroll Week 2 Offseason 6.13.17

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I had a great time in Chicago as my awesome wife Ria planned out a week of concerts and baseball as a surprise. Probably to get me out of the house? Thank you again Rachel for your helping Ria plan.

The trip started last Wed with a flight to Chicago, a tour of Chicago (architecture Chicago river tour) with Rachel Zipsie and a Cubs game all in one swoop.

Thursday, we toured the city a bunch, ate lots of tastey food and then went to see Tool as they were in Chicago, which was by far the best concert I’ve been too. Whenever you come away liking a band even more after seeing live, and aren’t disappointed, it’s a win in my experience. And they killed it.

Friday we had a day game. So we ate some food (Portillo’s), drinks then hit Wrigley, for a cool day game. The weather was perfect the entire trip and a nice breeze was coming off of lake Michigan to keep it comfortable if not a little chilly.

We finished up Friday night at the Hancock building for a drink, then back to Portillo’s then called it a night. We did Portillo’s 3x per Rachel’s advice during the trip haha.

Saturday am, early 7:30 flight back direct to Jax. We grabbed some JJ’s and then napped for a few hours and then met our good friends Adam and Sheena Crosby for some good, then SOJA and Dirty Heads concert in St. Augustine. What a great time!

To finish a great week/weekend, I found a few cars to beat up on during the ride home. Super fun.

Anyway, back to reality…. Real training started last week but was broken up by vacation. So I’ll start with what I did last night and call it week 2, and skip week 1 which was just sets of 5 on the bench…

I’m following the offseason Combo template straight out of the 10/20/Lifebook for the next 10 weeks. The only modifications I’m making are low reps with the squat and deadlift, but normal higher reps with bench. I’ll make up the total volume on my assistance work concerning the squat/DL.

Normal Warm-up
A. Band fly
B. McGill big 3
C. Side lateral
D. Empty bar x20

Bench 4×4 top set of 295 – RPE 6
A: Shoulder saver pad bench: 3×6
B: Chain skulls: 3×10
C: Bench dip/SS/Triceps cable press-down
D: Stir the pot to finish

I’m doing feet up to give the core some extra work and to not stress my back and hips anymore than necessary at this point.

This is my second week benching again after a 3mo layoff, so it’s a start. Feels great to be back to training though.

Keep an eye out for an article concerning my offseason plan.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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