08 Feb Brian Carroll | Week 5, Day 1 & 2 | Squat/DL & Bench
I’m very excited to release 10/20/Life Second Edition here in the next 4 weeks. More on this very soon! I’ll have these at the 10/20/Life booth Arnold Weekend at the XPC as well as a couple other surprises.
[wa-wps]LOTS of tees $9.99 and under!
HUGE thanks to Inzer Advance Designs and Captain Jacked for their support! Check them out!
Currently finishing up 10/20/Life Second Edition to be released in softback March 2017. I’m also going to compete in Port St Lucie April 2
Normal Warm-up – 4 part 10/20/Life custom warm-up
a. KB swing
b. McGill big 3
c. Goblet squat
d. Empty bar for a few reps
This week was a scheduled deload for me. My weeks are off a bit due to helping where needed in the gym ie helping Byrd break in his bench shirt. So, this training session was more of a fluff and buff style.
I opted to put no barbell on my back or hands, so Saturday looked like this:
Goblet squat with pause/side to side motion: 3×8
Bulgarian SS (piston style): 4×10
One leg KB GM: 3×8
Hammer curl: 3×15
Band flye: 3×15
Band pressdown: 3×15
Incline DB press: 3×15
DB skull with variation: 3×15
Stir the pot: 60 reps
Good session on this day. Byrd was working up in the squat and had a decent day for having been so sick. He’s going to have a big meet at the XPC if he can stay healthy. My work is pretty boring right now, esp on deload weeks but it’ll pick up very soon. Hang in there guys!
Normal Warm-up – 4 part 10/20/Life custom warm-up
a. KB swing
b. McGill big 3
c. Goblet squat
d. Empty bar for a few reps
Incline DB press: 3×15
DB flye: 3×15
DB skull: 3×15
Band pressdown: 3×15
Bench dip: 3×15
Side lateral: 3×15
Arnold curl: 3×15
Nothing special but felt great during this session. I got a great pump and I’m starting to feel pretty good. Diet and my supplement protocol is right on point. Actually, I’ve made a few adjustments to diet which I’ll write on very soon.
Byrd matched the 860 I did in his shirt, from the week before on this night. His bench is looking very good. I’m looking forward to getting back to training. I’ll be suited again with Byrd this weekend as I’m cranking up and he’s starting to peak, then taper back.

Brian Carroll

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