Brian Carroll Week 6: Offseason Bench day

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After 3 months of lack-luster (or lack thereof) training post Arnold win, I’m following the offseason Combo template straight out of the 10/20/Life book for the next 10 weeks. The only modifications I’m making is lower reps with the squat and deadlift, but normal higher (4/5) reps with bench (when necessary). I’ll make up the total volume on my assistance work concerning the squat/DL. I have no meet plans in at this time.

In this log update, I’m going to post about Monday’s training session.

Monday 7.24.17
Goal: triples to RPE 7
Top set of 315 with feet up (ended up doing a few sets there)
A. shoulder saver press: 3×6 – top set of 315
B. Incline DB press: 3×12
B. DB skull SS bench dip: 3×12
C. Triceps press-down for 100 reps
C. Stir the pot: 60

First time handling 315 on bench since the Arnold and it was heavy. The good news is it moved well. I will be turning 36 on Monday, and I can tell you it takes a much longer time now to ‘get it back’ than it did in my early 30’s. Then again, I didn’t take 3mo off either.

Feeling good and happy that I’m starting to look like I train again. The strength will come. Training is fun again, so the layoff was perfect. Body is healed and tuned up.

UFC: Who’s going to watch UFC 214 tomorrow? Jones wins (again) and solidifies himself as the second greatest ever (behind Silva) but IMO should be considered the best ever at this pace. His only loss being a bogus DQ after beating Hammil nearly to death with wrongfully articulated ’12-6′ elbows. I think he’s the greatest ever (Silva had multiple losses in Pride/other Feds prior to his 7yrs or so as UFC belt holder), but we will see tomorrow as he takes another step toward being the greatest. I don’t care what sort of good, or bad guy this dude is or allegedly is. I sure wouldn’t want a magnifying glass on me. I don’t know either man, so it’s irrelevant to me as he’s been dominant since smashing Shogun and taking his belt in early 2011. He’s not far off Anderson’s pace aside his admitted self sabotage. A lot of great athletes are alleged bad people, who were known as being ‘great people.’ ie Tiger and Lance. Oh, and that Bill Cosby guy was also known as a great role model for 40 years. You never know.

Also, last week I sold my baby. My first toy I ever bought: 2001 Ford Lightning

To make room for this better, much more fun and powerful toy (which is now my daily driver). Even though the lightning was hard to get let go of, I hardly drove it – so it’ll be better utilized by someone else.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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