Brian Carroll: You won’t like what I have to say here

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After 3 months of lackluster (or lack thereof) training post Arnold 2017 win, I’m following the offseason Combo template straight out of the 10/20/Life book for the next 10 weeks. The only modifications I’m making is lower reps with the squat and deadlift, but normal higher (4/5) reps with bench (when necessary). I’ll make up the total volume on my assistance work concerning the squat/DL. I have no meet plans in at this time.

…..Just when I was on track and getting back in the groove with training and diet, travel and other priorities have really gotten in the way of my training.

Why? To be clear: It’s because I have let it. This is an offseason phase, and granted it’s not as efficient as I would like it to be, for sure. But, I have other things that are a much higher priority right now. Before it’s said, I’m not saying you should train this little in an offseason, but sometimes we get so busy, training has to take a backseat.

I still got 3 training days in last week but they weren’t much to note and not what I would like to be doing.

Now, I won’t lie, it does bother me to say that being in good shape (I’m not in good shape) and training toward a strength goal isn’t priority number 1. It bothers my ego because I do like not being in bad shape, being weak and not having a good outlet for aggression makes for a bad combo.

But, when I think about it, isn’t this what 10/20/Life is all about: PHASES OF TRAINING- nothing is linear. Peaks and valleys – right now I’m in a training valley. Currently, training offseason, and very hit or miss, I’m doing what I can but a few things are getting accomplished:
1. I’m finishing up a book that will help many other people and is worth it and will help my reach 10 fold. More to come on this very soon.
2. I’m letting my body heal up (inside and out) after pushing it very hard for a few years. This is needed.
3. I’m getting the fire back to train because flat out, I needed a break mentally and physically. I was starting to want to take shortcuts and that was when I knew it was time for a break. I wasn’t wanting to do my ‘fluff and buff’ on my 4th day and would start to find reasons to skip them etc. This break/lack of training is actually making me WANT to train pretty bad. It makes me appreciate the time I used to have!
4. I’m making contacts with and speaking at places that powerlifters aren’t typically invited to. I was just at UCLA this weekend speaking to coaches about my approach to the squat/bench/dead. Thanks to Craig Liebenson for having me out! More on this soon.

Then I see this:
which keeps me motivated and shows me underacheiving. This keeps the fire-slow cooking until the appropriate time. I’m honored that I have made it on this list, but I can do better than 16th.

Stay tuned for more updates very soon.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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