SuitCase Carry: Real World Applications and Benefits
Often times we separate a gym movement from our day to day lives and in the same breath divide our outlook as well. I’m here to tell you that being an athlete demands...
Often times we separate a gym movement from our day to day lives and in the same breath divide our outlook as well. I’m here to tell you that being an athlete demands...
When I was in my late teens, early twenties I played in a rock band for a living. Playing 6 nights a week doing a Rush/Led Zepplin tribute. I used to drag race...
Social media and the world wide web (haven’t used that phrase in a while) has shed a lot of positive light on strength sports, but as always, with the good also comes at...
I’m MDLP and I don’t back away from anything… this was the first time I prematurely dropped the mic....
Get to know more about Brian Carroll, Team PRS founder, creator of 10/20/Life and co-author of the Gift of Injury with Dr. Stu McGill....
Contact Brian Carroll