Driggers, Benching 12-29-2014. I hit the wall!

Last week I apologized for doubling up on the post. Since I didn’t learn my lesson I will just not apologize this time.

In my previous post I spoke about the herniated disc at C6-C7 that has been giving me a problem over the last few months. I though I found an answer with the cambered bar, but that wasn’t the case. I came in the gym last night with my left side feeling sore and tight. The cambered bar spared me a headache, but left me feeling like I was a day out of training chest before I even started benching.

This is how it went:

Benching with feet up:

315 x 5 for 3 sets

Not bad considering how I felt. This was my second set. The first set was horrible, but I didn’t film it.

I moved to some medium grip singles:

Have you ever heard the expression “Hitting the wall”? No, not your girlfriend talking about her ex. This is a gym expression. Well, that”s what happened in the next video. I hardly have words for how fast this went down hill.

I’ll just let the video speak for itself.

I moved on to some incline DB presses:

70 x 12 for 3 sets

Tate Presses:

40 x 12 for 3 sets


80 x 10 for 3 sets

My left tricep was refusing to fire at this point.

I think I need to bring the rocker back in



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Team Samson Powerlifting

Team Samson was founded by Adam Driggers who built the Team Samson compound. Some of the biggest names in powerlifting have trained with Team Samson including Dondell Blue, Al Caslow, and Gary Frank. What began as a small group of members has grown into an accomplished team of lifters that continue to chase after new strength gains. Team Samson is made up of pro lifters Brian Carroll, Clint Smith, and Jonathan Byrd along with lifters in various stages of their lifting career including Adam Driggers, Keith Price, Filipe Gusmão, Mike Holman, Paul Key, Shane Ford, Shane Shepperd, and Tony Garland.
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