23 Dec Inane Ramblings of a Meathead: Know Your Place and Shut Your Mouth
By Zane Geeting
Before anyone gets all ass-hurt about this, it’s just my opinion, and I realize that it’s probably absurd by most people’s standards. If you’re one of the people who may take offense to things like this, Google inane, because you probably don’t know what it means. Now that we all know I’m a condescending asshole, let’s get into it…
In my last article I made mention that it seems so few people know where they stand in life. This is something that has really amazed me in the last few years. With the sudden boom in popularity of all things fitness, we’ve really seen a concentration of this in powerlifting. Let’s stick to that so I don’t get off on a tangent bitching about people having zero understanding of politics, economics, or other important life issues that affect us all, who think their opinion, no matter how uneducated it is, can be pushed on all of us. Powerlifting experiences just as much of this from a bunch of beginners who did their first meet (or not) and got hypnotized by the first bumblefuck they found on YouTube with a sub-elite total and an online personal training certificate. They go around talking about the way things used to be, and the way they should be, even though their training age makes them a toddler. You sometimes get an experienced lifter here and there who does this as well, but these are the guys who pull less than the top female lifters and have to make up imaginary designations to make themselves feel strong. They usually think they’re some kind of trainer but have never made anyone but beginners stronger, which literally anyone can do. Basically, ass-hats who anyone with a room-temperature or higher IQ would never listen to.
Here are a few signs that you’re one of these people, and you need to keep your bitch mouth shut when you’re talking to people who’ve been in the sport since you were in grade school. Guys who were winning state, national, and world championships before you knew powerlifting existed.
1. If someone is several hundred lbs. stronger than you in the total, and trains multiple people who total far more than you do as well, you should probably shut up and listen. Really either one of these is probably enough, but the combo leaves no question
2. If someone has been competing, and beating people since you were trying to bench 135 for the for the first time, you should probably shut up and listen. If this stacks on top of the first point, just don’t speak at all.
3. If you would never ever say the shit that you’re saying to them online, in person, just shut the fuck up. Given you’re probably a weak twink and will never have to worry about seeing them at a meet since you don’t compete, or compete in fairytale backyard feds, you still never know. Besides, who really wants to get punked out in front of a bunch of people because you have no respect, or self-respect for that matter.
4. If you’re using your parent’s wi-fi to post negative comments on some forum, no one cares what you think of someone’s 800+ lb. squat.
5. If your interpretation of the rules for proper execution of the powerlifts comes from your uncle who competed one time 25 years ago, or the guy in a string tank-top at your local commercial gym, please, shut the hell up.
Honestly, I could probably come up with a hundred more examples, but I think we all get where I’m going with this. I’m sick and tired of this whole PC bullshit world we’re living in, and a lot of people need a strong dose of reality. Know your place, shut your mouth, get stronger, become a contributing member of a conversation, not a little know it all bitch. Anyone can do that and no-one likes it. I get it that everyone wants to be someone, but you have to earn your stripes first. It’s fine to be weak and not know shit, so long as you listen, learn, help out, etc. All the tools are out there to help you be successful, all you have to do is open your mind and your ears, put in some hard work, take your lumps, and you’ll get there. But I promise you, your loud mouth and shitty attitude will not make that happen, nor will your opinion of things that don’t affect you in the slightest. Keep that shit to yourself and become something, preferably not a twat.
Get the 10/20/Life e book HERE.

Zane Geeting

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