RPS US Open Part 3

Part 3 of the US Open Write-up

Photo credit: Mike Ochicki @moneymkrmike – keep in Mind Jimmie was pulling for me to get the 821 pull as well and Jimmie was a competitor this day.

I won the cash up for grabs and that was the #1 goal on the agenda for the trip. The secondary goals were the squat record (lofty at the time) and the total record which was totally in reach with a 6/6 day at subtotal. Was I a little disappointed that I didn’t get the bench to put me in the 5/6 (3 squats made and 2 benches) position and about 22-30lb off where I needed to be? After the meet, yes I was. But I didn’t think about that until after I won because goal number 1 needed to be complete before even thinking about anything else. Still a PR bench and total at 242 and it’s edging closer. It’s teaching me patience! haha

It’s not easy to travel coast to coast and lift big with the time changes and different climates but you go and get the job done best you can. Actually all of my best totals are out of state:
2376 – 220 – Lake George NY 2006
2730 – 275 – Cincinnati, OH 2011
2651 – 242 – San Diego, CA 2016

So much for home field advantage right?

I want to talke the time to talk about who made this possible, my future plans and thank yous!

People who made the meet possible
Gracie and Mr RA Kern put on one hell of a show and I want to thank them again for such a fun and great time. I appreciate all of the spotters and loaders for saving me ass on my third bench and for running a very tight platform. Thanks to Mike Johnston for the great announcing during the weekend and for keeping the meet flowing nicely! Lots of behind the scenes work for many months lead to this being a success, thank you to all who made this possible.

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Future plans
My next meet will be the RPS Redemption meet May 28, 2016 in Fort Myers, FL. I have done this meet a couple of times and always love the vibe from this meet. It’s always a good time as Bert and Mindy run great meets. I will have a couple of teammates and friends lifting in this meet so it should be a great time. I have taken a down week for the last 7 days but will be cranking things up again over the next couple of weeks taking a last warmup and at least an opener then resting. I have a new bench shirt to break in and this will be my main focus over the coming weeks. I will have a slightly more aggressive gameplan for this meet since there is not 5k up for grabs!

Thank You
First to my biggest support – My wife Ria Carroll. She is the one behind the scenes that keeps me in check and keeps me going with tough love, encouragement and support. Sometimes, you don’t have the will to keep going and grow tired, a supportive husband or wife is the biggest and most important thing you can have and I’m very grateful. Thank you so much Ria for running errands with & for me, sweating with me when needed cutting weight, doing anything that you an possible for me to see my goals through. I love and appreciate you more than anything – I mean that 100%.

Thank you to Jason, Channing and Byrd. I get mad at time and frustrated mostly because I don’t communicate well at times but you guys couldn’t have been more helpful to me. From getting me ready in the gym and keeping me on track to the trip and meet as a whole – thank you so very much! I couldn’t have asked for better help.
Adam for the encouragement and for the awesome place to train – thank you for keeping me pushing forward. It means a lot to me. The almost 13 years at team Samson have been incredible. Todd and Lisa – thank you for the selfless help all day!

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Keith, Conrad, Filipe, Shane, Shane, Wayne. Lisa, Todd and anyone else that trains with us – thank you so much for helping break in the shirts, pushing me and being there to help spot and load. Thank you.
Thank you to my PRS team for all of their support, calls and texts throughout the weekend. It means a lot to have you all on my team and having my back. Thank you for checking in on the cutting process Scott and everyone else.
Thank you Jimmie P for pushing me to the end and for having a great day yourself overcoming many obstacles in your life and training. Best of luck to you at 242!

Thank you to anyone who reached out and encouraged me, wrote or posted to me!

Thank you Jason at Juns for the best cuts in Jax, thank you Dr. Adam Crosby for the soft tissue care so much! You have been vital to me feeling so good these last few training cycles!

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HUGE thank you to Inzer Advance Designs for supplying me and TeamPRS with the BEST powerlifting gear and apparel anyone could ever ask for. Form the Preds, to the Leviathan Ultra Pro & gripper knee wraps to the Super Duper Phenom and Fusion – it’s what I believe in 100% and what teamPRS supports!

The best is yet to come, I feel 100% healthy, motivated and HUNGRY!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at PowerRackStrength.com
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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