KEN WHETHAM Sometimes It Gets U.G.L.Y!

The truth is; sometimes things get ugly, training doesn’t go as planned and a big wrench gets thrown in your direction… but don’t fret, all is not lost!

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In a perfect world, everything would always move along according to plan.  You would always be successful, happy and content and life would be seamlessly smooth.

However, “Life is like a box of chocolates” AND sometimes those chocolates are actually big turds which you try not to eat.  No matter how careful you are sometimes you can find yourself eating a turd instead of a chocolate.  Well, it’s already in your mouth so you might as well eat it and smile.

My meet prep for the CPF Canadian Nationals has been going along great… until this weekend.  My training day was a complete write-off!

I finished a 24 hr shift on Sunday morning and we were busy all night at work.  We had a commercial fire and a couple shitty medical calls so I had a few remnants of sleep but it was nothing to write home about.

I was supposed to squat some heavy singles and after I did my warm-up and a few belt squats I started to warmup with a straight bar.  I went to 345 and I felt dizzy and weak.  It felt like my head was going to blow apart.  My training partner immediately said; “Do you feel OK, you look like shit”.  I knew something wasn’t right.  I tried 345 again and decided to abandon my squat session.

I helped our crew finish up their training and thought I would take an afternoon nap to rekindle some energy.  I went to bed on Sunday at 12:30 pm and woke up Monday morning at 08:00 am.

I’m not trying to make any excuses for a having a shitty training session but sometimes things don’t go as planned and you eat a turd instead of a chocolate.

Instead of looking at this as a total loss, I look at it as a positive because I was smart enough to shut it down when I wasn’t physically ready to lift heavy.  It’s under these type of circumstances that a smart decision to abort a training session ensures that I don’t get injured and totally screw my meet prep.

It’s difficult to explain to anyone how much of a toll working 24 hr shifts takes on your  body, especially when your schedule changes every week.

Trying to organize training around such a screwed up work schedule is my biggest obstacle when I’m trying to get ready for a meet.

I am jealous of everyone who works dayshifts and gets to sleep in their own bed every night, however just because my circumstance aren’t optimal, it doesn’t mean you can’t figure out a way to maneuver a way around it to accomplish your goals.




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Ken Whetham

Ken is a full-time Firefighter and Rescue Technician with the Oshawa Fire Department and is a certified Kettlebell Coach and WKC Master Trainer. Ken competed in Kettlebell Sport and won several championships across North America. In 2012, Ken competed in the Firefighter Combat Challenge where he won the Canadian National Championship. Ken trains at his home “Outlaw Powerlifting” gym outside Toronto, Ontario with a team of lifters that train and compete together. Ken is an Elite powerlifter in the 275 and 308 lb weight class and his current best lifts are 940/550/705 and his current goal is to squat 1000 lbs to become one of the few lifters to achieve that goal in their early 50’s.
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