Zane Geeting, Friday night squat training. Briefs and suit bottom

I’m currently training to make my comeback to the platform for the XPC finals at the Arnold Classic, this March. I’m just starting to work in gear again, and the main focus is getting that dialed in for the meet. Its been a couple years since I put up a respectable total, its time to change that.


Friday night started out rough. My dogs decided to run away when I let them out right before leaving for the gym. Normally I would have said screw it and left them out until I got home, but it was frigid cold with wind chills well below zero, so I had to find them. This resulted in me getting to the gym at 9pm. As you can guess, a garage gym is super awesome in that kind of weather. We did our best to get it heated up and started squatting. Here’s how it went for me:

Warm up

Bird dogs


Fat man rows and push ups

Lots of BW squatting and squatting with the bar


Warm up to 440×1 raw




Suit bottom


730x1x2 sets

– I was supposed to be working doubles here, but I wasn’t feeling super comfortable grooving the weight. I was able to get very close on depth, but as I watch the video from the side (I’ll have my wife upload it later, its on her phone) the last couple inches my chest is falling more than my hips are settling. Basically, my hips are going that last two inches, but the side of the bar (what you can see) is dropping six to eight inches. This is obviously not what you want. So this coming week I need to figure out if its something I’m doing form-wise, or if its just because the suit is binding up and I’m being impatient getting down. I’m guessing its the latter. Either way, the weights are snapping super fast, so I’m not too worried about it. I’ve get 5+ sessions to get that dialed in yet.

SS bar, 3 sec pause squat



Rev hyper

3 sets of 15, up to 240

Shrugs on squat machine

3 sets of 20-25 @300

JL planks

30 sec. x3 sets

-That was all of it. Overall it was a good session and I feel like things are progressing well. Considering the way I felt when I got to the gym (tired, freezing, and achy) everything moved great. All I need to do now is get used to having heavier weights on my back, and make sure that I’m not letting my chest fall in the hole. These should both be easy problems to address. This coming week I’ll be in full gear


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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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