10/20/Life Client Danny Bellmore pulls 625×2 after a 5-level spinal fusion!

I’ve worked with Danny Bellmore for a while now. He’s had 5 levels of his back/neck fused due to being worn out, injured and damaged. Prior to Danny’s fusion, his best pull was 573.

Here, Danny CRUSHES 625×2!

He never gave up, does his Mcgill big 3 religiously and trains SMART and listens to his programming and coach.

What’s keeping you from improving? I hear a bunch of empty excuses.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at PowerRackStrength.com
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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