ROYAL OAK SEMINAR 12/5! CONTACT ART LITTLE TO REGISTER! 313.655.4314 I just finished competing at the RPS Conquest Meet on 10/3/15 where I squatted 1100, benched 780 and pulled 760 for a 35lb squat...

ROYAL OAK SEMINAR 12/5! CONTACT ART LITTLE TO REGISTER! 313.655.4314 I just finished competing at the RPS Conquest Meet on 10/3/15 where I squatted 1100, benched 780 and pulled 760 for a 35lb squat...

By: 10/20/Journalist Today marks my first of many “Lifter of the Week” articles here on Power Rack Strength. Brian has me handling social media for a reason – I am closely monitoring the...

By: 10/20/Journalist Let’s talk numbers: Who trains two to three times, runs a 40-acre farm, and works 50-70 hours each week? That would be PRS team member Zane Geeting. You’re probably thinking the same...

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