Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life Offseason | Week 12 training and lots of traveling

I'm currently training in an offseason approach using the 10/20/Life method. I've only been back to training for about six weeks, and shoulder has been excellent, with very few roadblocks and setbacks. Huge thanks to Andrew Lock for the help in my shoulder progressions and understanding a better way to incorporate more efficient cervical, thoracic and rotator/shoulder training into my approach. Still so much to learn!

Right now, I’m only training three days per week, and have not been doing my optional 4th-day fluff and buff. I have tried to scale back my training not just because I am healing up an injury, but making the transition into a new gym and team as easy as possible. I look at it like investing in my future lifting and business. It’s been a fun process, with a ton more to do. I will step it up more in the coming weeks, but right now, I’m spread pretty thin.

My plan for writing is as follows: new training Logs on Monday (minimum, some days more) a rant or update here or there on Wednesday and a new article on Friday.

Make sure to read my latest article which can be found HERE on my author page where I discuss my time with Team Samson and the direction I’m going forward with my team. I think it’s going to surprise a lot of you.

Currently, I have no meets picked out but that should change soon. I’m taking my time and enjoying the process right now which is something I’ve struggled with in the past. However, we do have 3 lifters competing in Holly Hill, Fl this July. Thomas, Steve, and Zach; all lifting at 220, 198 and 242 respectively. Dondell Blue and I are really enjoying the new blood in the gym, as well as passing on whatever we can to the newer generation of lifting.

Since we will have an SHW lifter in the near future, We will be looking to fill a few spots of 165 lifters, 275, 308. If you are wanting to grow, and learn for free and train with some of the best and most experienced group in the south. The requirements are simply to want to help, learn and get better. No level of strength is necessary, just the willingness to commit to the process and dependability; non-negotiable.

As always thank you to my co-brands Inzer Advance Designs and Jax Nutrition. 

Monday’s highlights: (5.27.19)

  • Day 1 Bench
  • Back to bench press
  • Moved to CG bench
  • The overall volume of assistance work is up – skulls added

Monday’s Bench session:

  • Normal Warm-up
  • Suitcase carry
  • McGill big 3
  • Shoulder big 3
  • Goblet squat


  • Bench press: 350×3
  • Close grip bench: 275×5
  • Standing OHP: 4×6
  • Incline DB press: 3×6
  • Spud strap press-down
  • Handle chain skulls

It’s an off feeling for 350 to be so heavy LOL. But I knew just a few months ago I was pressing 1-plate and just starting my rehab. It’s getting better each week, but I need to be patient.

Wednesday’s highlights: (5.29.19)

  • Day 2 Pull: Sumo w/bands (haven’t done this in a million years)
  • Belt squat piston style
  • Worked quad as assistance work/hams on Saturday

Wed’s Squat session:

  • Normal Warm-up
  • Suitcase carry
  • McGill big 3
  • Shoulder big 3
  • Goblet squat


  • 405x1x5 singles with light bands
  • Belt piston squat with Spud harness: 3×8
  • Split squat: 3×10
  • One-arm DB row: 3×10
  • Nordic curl: 3×3 with 3 seconds eccentric

My hips aren’t feeling the greatest right now because I haven’t pulled sumo very much in a long time. Add in the fact that I haven’t solely pulled on its day in a while; it’s going to take some time.


Saturday’s highlights: (6.1.19)

  • Day 3 Squat: Duffalo bar with average bands
  • Heavier on Good morning (still, no belt)
  • Heavier on belt squat as well
  • One leg GM added on this day

Saturday’s Squat session:

  • Normal Warm-up
  • Suitcase carry
  • McGill big 3
  • Shoulder big 3
  • Goblet squat


  • Duffalo bar – triples to 375, and single with 415
  • Suspended Good morning: 3×5 – 365 no belt
  • Belt squat: 5 plates for 3×6
  • One leg GM: 3×10

Shoulder: feels a little janky at times, but I also have been slacking on my rehab a little bit. I moved my bench grip in a little bit which has helped me a bit. I’m enjoying training but I know I need to get back to training 4x a week.

OK, so I’ve done some traveling the last 2 weeks. To Miami, to SC and then a week ago I was in Chicago. I got to see Matt Minuth and train with him as he is prepping for Seniors in Grand Rapids at 242 and looking as big and as strong as ever. I pulled 545 sumo, and it didn’t feel bad but wasn’t fast as I’m used to.

After I wrapped up training, Daniel Dalenberg happened to be in the city for a seminar so he hit me up and wanted to drop by. It was good seeing Dan after about 2 years. He’s really dialed in his nutrition with Tucker’s help and looks better than ever and seems to be in a good place.

Then, the next day, Ria, me, Ed Coan, and his niece went to a Cubs game. Ed has been a motivator and idol to many of us who grew up and got into lifting in the 90s and early 2000s. We had a great time, and thanks again, Ed. The Cubs lost; Lester got absolutely shelled in the first two innings and gave up about 7 runs; this is a hard deficit to come back from though they made it a game 9-7.

When you go to Chicago, you have to get some good food so there was no shortage of that. I left at 265 and once again, came like Denver, came back at 277.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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