Brian Carroll| Week 3, Day 1, 2 & 3| Offseason

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I just finished 3 meets in 3 months and I’m now taking downtime to recover, rest and work on weak points. I did hit PR Total, 2651, PR squat 1102 and a PR bench 788 all at 242.

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Huge thanks to Captain and Inzer Advance Designs for supporting my lifting!

As I posted on Monday, I missed Last Saturday’s session due to helping our buddy Channing at the RPS meet in Port St Lucie.

Channing did very well, 1802 in wraps and a belt.. at what should have been 198 and not 210. Very proud of you dude.

Here was Monday’s training session. Like I said, I missed Saturday, so combined days –

Normal 10/20/life Warm-up

Extra Warm-up
Band fly: 3×15
Stir the pot:: 3×15

Squat RPE 5: 3×3
Incline DB press: 4×10
DB Stiff leg DL: 3×6
Hammer curl:
Bench dip: 3×15
Hex Holds: 4×10 sec hold
Triceps Press-down: 3×10

Good session. Nothing heavy and just moved through very fast. I’m still getting back into the routine and this day made me very sore actually. I felt like in some ways I was starting over with some of the soreness I had.

Wednesday – More assistance work on more of a ‘fluff and buff’ scale.

Normal 10/20/life Warm-up

Extra warm-up
Band fly: 3×15
Stir the pot: 3×20

Lat Pull-down: 3×10
One Arm DB row: 3×10
DB shrug: 3×10
Hammer curl: 3×10
Triceps pressdown: 3×10
BW Band squat: 4×10
Band skull: 3×15
One Leg GM: 3×6

DONE. Another good session. I feel pretty small and weak right now, but that’s normal after such a long run of competing. I’m feeling much better than I was the last couple of weeks man.. I had a hard time shaking a Nasty bug/cold and then combined with allergies I was limping through the last month or more. Sucked.

I’ll get a little training session in on Friday, another full body fluff and buff then get some good training in on Saturday and get on more of a regular schedule over the next few weeks.

The 10/20/PowerBuilding book that Danny, Tucker and myself are doing is going to be SICK. I’m super excited about all of this. Lots of good projects going on, it’s just a matter of time.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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