Training update 6/21/22

Training 6.21.22

Training 6.21.22 (overall update)

Training has been consistent for the last couple of weeks to months. But before this, it was not as consistent as I would have liked it to be. This is because I’ve been fighting a cold until recently. The cold had me feeling a little bit lethargic. But this is to be expected with 2-2yr olds in the house who get sick often.

Last weekend, I worked up to top sets of 5 on the squat and deadlift, which were pretty light. You can see in the videos that I’m definitely training submaximal.

Diet update

Since making the video above, I’ve gotten much tighter on my diet. And have gotten in the grove by walking long distances and eating better food choices. However, the hard part of not competing anymore is I cannot get away with eating what I used to. Add in the supplements, training intensity, and overall drive to train. I need a major calorie reduction, and it’s taken some time to adjust.

Training split (current)

My training split has been the following (10/20/Life Combo): Saturday, Day 1: Squat, and deadlift. Monday, Day 2: Fluff and buff, and Day 3: I bench. Very simple but effective. I’ve been doing variations of the squat and deadlift on day one and lots of bodybuilding-type stuff on day 2, with bench press and assistance work on day 3, nothing too heavy. As you can see in the videos above, I have been using the Duffalo bar for squatting (most recently, a cambered bar with chains) and pulling from the 4″ blocks for the deadlift. This is a good and safe height for me, as I’m not worried about pulling from the floor these days.

In the future, I will add some Overkill Knee wraps as we start to go heavier (with chains) in the coming weeks. I’m looking forward to this!

Gummies and CBD (heatwave)

PRS CBD Gummies are ready. I’ll let everyone know when they are ready to go live. I’m testing out the final batches of Heatwave, which is similar to a ‘tiger balm’ plus the CBD Isolate we use in every PRS CBD product we sell, and so far, it’s great. I’m just not quite sure how hot everyone wants it to be. I have a few batches going to different groups, and I will know more soon. But it’s awesome for warming up tight and locking down muscles before getting under the bar.  For those of you who’ve not tried any of our products, we have testing to show the batch results for all of our products which are THC free. 

And last: Check out my recent article and video on why changing your form on the main lifts can set you back. BUT, it’s worth it in the long run. Also, why I don’t suggest spine injections. This could save you some trouble!


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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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