
Warm-up: KB Swing Big 3 Goblet Squat Goal: Decided to put a new pair of Overkill Squat briefs and break them in. I will be transitioning into gear over the next 5 weeks and need to...

I have been using my third day as an extra bench day focusing on floor pressing and incline pressing. My pecs and elbows are feeling the effects of this week's heavy benching, so I avoided pressing today. 

So what does a retired powerlifter do? He trains arms on a dedicated arm day. WTH? In all seriousness, the following routine helped fix my wrecked elbows. High reps low weight is the key...

I have known Robert De La Rosa for several years now. He was on one of the first high school football teams I ever coached. He was a damn good football player and...

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