The RPS US Open was a meet that I planned on doing when I first heard about it in 2015 when Gracie sent me an invite to come out and battle for the...

Finally broke the 2,500 total mark at the Arnold, but like any lifter I feel there is more left in the tank. Focusing on some offseason goals which include gaining some weight to...

[wa-wps] There are 3 meets that members of Lowcountry Strength are currently training for. APF Equipped Nationals on May 29th, RPS Backyard Brawl, June 4th, and RPS Kalamazoo Barbell Bash June 11th. If you...

Just a little update about the US Open held by Gravi V out in SD this weekend. PRS own Brian Carroll and Lisa Guggisburg are lifting and looking great for some solid PRs....

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