Some with more complicated back cases will need IN-PERSON assessment, coaching, and progress assistance. At the same time, others want to be virtually coached through the evaluation and wish to avoid the pressure...

I begrudgingly ordered salmon, a baked potato, and a salad as I sat with Dave Tate for lunch at a bar and grille. Dave ordered a bunch of fried s$%^ I couldn't eat....

The problem comes when someone takes an exercise they don't understand or really know and just blindly uses them. The blind leading the blind is a great way would describe some of the...

The Goblet squat is a universally used variation of the squat. Depending on the goal, use it as a warm-up, a primer, or the central movement. In this article, I will give the...

Every exercise MUST have a specific purpose. Every movement is a tool; there are no inherently wrong exercises, just lousy application/timing. For some, the Jefferson curl might help some in certain situations, but...

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