Client success story

Client Success Story (Another)

Another Client Success Story

Client Success Stories are awesome – we all love a happy ending, and here is another success story with Pat. I met pat a couple of years ago when he came to me about his back pain. Pat is now 100% pain and symptom-free and working toward benching 405 for the first time at 50 years old! The other day, Pat doubled 350lbs on the bench and did multiple sets of 5 with 315, as shown above! Pat is NOT a competitive lifter but sure is strong.

Pat’s history of back pain

Like many former athletes, Pat first experienced back pain playing college football. He got injured so badly on the football field that he got up, left the field, and never came back! For over 20 years, Pat would tweak his back and suffer for weeks at a time until things calmed down. Does this sound familiar to some of you?

The start of the Success story

Pat was seeing one of my good friends and preferred Chiropractors in Jacksonville, Dr. Amy Bernstein when she connected us and suggested that Pat reach out to me as she was very familiar with my story and knew what I’d been through. She thought working with me would be a good addition to the therapy she was already giving him. You know my thoughts on chiropractors (read the full article here); the good ones send you home with homework and refer you out for progressions.

Pat took his back pain seriously.

Pat would have bouts of low back pain so incredible that we would have to hunch over like an 80yr older man in the grocery store, leaning on the shopping cart, praying that he wouldn’t have to grab something low on the shelving. So, once I gave him a direction to order Back Mechanic and Gift of Injury and do the self-assessment, apply the principles, and permit himself to heal, his pain started winding down.

The rest is history

Once Pat was familiar with his pain triggers, we did a Virtual consult (I do this with all clients before seeing them in person); then, we set up an in-person meeting. Fast forward a couple of years, and Pat has been pain-free for years, working toward his first 405 bench-press at 50. He has enjoyed our progress together so much that he trains with me weekly and sometimes flies in to get a session.

How to create your own Success Story and Testimonial

Nothing to rebuild him was unique other than what his body needed to become more resilient. You can’t rush the adaptation. As shown in Gift of Injury, we slowly rebuilt his load tolerance with special exercises and expanded upon these until he was ready to start bench pressing again. NOTE: we didn’t get him pain-free, then put him right back under the bar. HUGE MISTAKE. Yes, he needed to back off his normal lifting routine, but this was necessary as his old program kept him in pain.


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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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