By Danny Bellmore Following a major injury that resulted in a 3 level fusion to my lumbar spine in 1998, I decided to step away and took a 10-year hiatus from powerlifting. [wa-wps] As I returned...

By: Tucker Loken How important is range of motion on exercises? A lot of powerlifters who want to try out a bodybuilding plan are purists – They always want to do full range of motion...

By: Brian Carroll You can teach an old dog new tricks, but, let me preface this with the following - it’s not easy. Some individuals you meet are just stuck in their ways, no...

By: Paul Oneid Crossfit is everywhere.  It is on ESPN, it is all over social media and Crossfit Boxes are popping up like Starbucks.  Whatever your personal feelings are about the sport, there is...

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