By Zane Geeting Recently I made the decision to do a raw powerlifting meet for the first time in over a decade. Since I announced this, I’ve received several inquiries as to why I...

By Paul Oneid You may have seen the deadbug performed many times, or you may not have ever heard of it. Most people will see it and think, “Oh that’s too easy” and glance...

By Dain Soppelsa I have been in several warm-up areas at meets over the last few months and I have witnessed some silly things being done. It is very apparent that there is a...

By Will Kuenzel There are tons of different personalities in the fitness world.  From those that are helpful to those that only create distractions, it’s a unique blend of eclectic folks.  It’s been interesting...

By Paul Oneid The term “Off-Season” is essentially the period of time between meet preps. If you follow 10/20/Life, the off-season is also a period where life takes precedent over lifting. There is more...

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