I've been cutting down the time on my workouts to right around 30 minutes of actual weight lifting and I'm feeling great. I was feeling myself getting dragged down and tired off and...

Last week’s training was good. It can be difficult to find the motivation to do more than just go through the motions when you’re not training for a specific goal. Even more difficult...

This week has gone well so far. I've finally started to see my hamstring creeping through and it's given me some extra confidence for that extra push this next month. I don't hold...

This week has gone well so far. I've finally started to see my hamstring creeping through and it's given me some extra confidence for that extra push this next month. I don't hold...

I recently competed in the RPS Chalk & Iron September 28thwhere I tied my best total of 1653.4 lbs (squat - 633.8 lbs, bench 435.4 x lbs. deadlift - 584.2 lbs) at a...

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