Brand New Video series: Part 4 – Deadlifting a HS football player
And in this 4th video of the series, I cover the deadlift with Slade. From grip to overall strategy for the deadlift as we set and form the lifter's wedge. ...
And in this 4th video of the series, I cover the deadlift with Slade. From grip to overall strategy for the deadlift as we set and form the lifter's wedge. ...
In this video, we go over his bench, approach, and bar path. Many lifters, especially footballers, butcher the bench press and press like a bodybuilder, which, in my opinion, isn't ideal. You will...
I've said this a lot. Football players don't need to squat below 90. Never are these playing in such a way that they need to be loaded into a deep squat; it makes...
While some can squat to a box with a bar on their back just fine, others can't do so safely. Remember, if they aren't powerlifters, they should not be training like one. The...
The Goblet squat is a universally used variation of the squat. Depending on the goal, use it as a warm-up, a primer, or the central movement. In this article, I will give the...
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