By: Danny Vega 2 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Have Scheduled Deloads Are there some people who can go all out all the time, ignore deloads, do 10 meets a year, and not break down? Maybe....

I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. Week 8 Squat 1. Squat 5x3@415,445,475,505,505 2. 2 count Pause Squats 3x3@445 3. Single leg...

I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. Week 7 Deadlift Sitting right at 226. 1. Deadlift 5x3@465,505,555,555,555 2. Pendlay rows...

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