I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. I'm very happy with the way this off season went. I...

Carbs. The end. Just kidding. Recently, Ed Coan did an interview with Chris Duffin that had so much good information in it that I had to go back and listen again, because so much...

I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. This has been a productive Off-season. I was able to put on...

By: Danny Vega Although nowadays strength & conditioning is my passion, 10 years ago it was also my career. I was a collegiate athlete and went on to the University of Florida where I...

Week 8 deadlift Today I visited Chad Walker and Jordan Wong at North Port Barbell.t I pulled and they  squatted. Thank you guys for having me. I hope to visit several more times before...

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