What 10/20/life is not: An equipped lifting program. Due to the stigma that I've developed over the last 20 years as an equipped lifter, many people assume that 10/20 is a guide for equipped...

By: Brian Carroll I have enough times in my time lifting and it sucks. The key that I’ve always found with this is always be willing to learn, adjust, analyzing and never being complacent with...

By: Daniel Dalenberg I’ve lifted raw almost my entire powerlifting career. I started out raw and trained that way for several years before ever touching a piece of powerlifting gear. In college, I lived...

By: Danny Vega In June of 2014, I decided I would ditch my wraps and get stronger in just sleeves. It was an opportunity to strengthen my quads and develop some strength out of...

By: Brian Carroll 1. Be patient. Don’t push and peak too early just because you feel great. This could be the start of your end in this training cycle. Sometimes athletes feel GREAT after...

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