Currently training for the XPC Finals at the Arnold. Working my body weight up to 290lbs and making the cut down to 275 class. I will use the protocols from Brian's Manual"CUTTING WEIGHT" [wa-wps] As...

Currently training for the XPC Finals at the Arnold. Working my body weight up to 290lbs and making the cut down to 275 class. I will use the protocols from Brian's Manual"CUTTING WEIGHT" [wa-wps] As...

The count down has begun and things are getting a lot more serious. The weights are starting to climb, and honestly this is the part of training that I really love! The atmosphere...

Time to get things rolling! We are now just over 8 weeks out from the XPC finals and things are picking up. My bodyweight is now in the low 280s, with hopes of getting...

By: Jonathan Byrd Your passion doesn’t mean shit to me or anyone else. Passion alone will not make you successful, and it will not make you a good lifter. Bottom line is, if you...

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