All focus is currently on getting healthy and preparing for the Battle of the Boardwalk on August 29th. I will be lifting in the 275 class for the second time. I left a...

I normally train my deadlift on the same day as my squat, but with my back and hip issues I am having trouble making it through sessions. Plus I had a chance to...

Still working on getting my hip and back into some what healthy shape. I am still leaning bad, but its a work in progress. Bodyweight is still in the 260s, and really didnt...

Back into the swing of things! Excited for new things to come, and if you follow me on social media you may know of some of it. Training! Bodyweight of 268 Dumbbell rows 5x8@ 100lbs dumbbell...

Full speed ahead! Right now that plan is to lift in Atlantic City August 29th with the RPS. My weight class is still up in the air as I am sitting at 265...

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