I have been on a rollercoaster as of late, lots of ups and downs, highs and lows. In reality though nobody really gives a shit, there are some things in life you...

By: Jonathan Byrd Look, I know I’m a fat ass. I have been a big guy most of my life.  It’s funny how things in your life stick out to you, but I was...

Hopefully the title will bring some bear lover traffic into the site! I will be the first to admit I am embarrassed by my lifting at the Arnold. I have always took pride...

Arnold Review Part 2! I have always had trouble sleeping the night before meets, it normally just doesn’t happen. I was the same way as an athlete. I enjoy the competition so...

First thing I need to say, the 2015 Arnold was an experience of a life time. The place was packed, music loud, and some amazing lifters on the platform. There is no...

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