[wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BBLoS4zvpew/?taken-by=briancarroll81 I'm about 4.5 weeks out from the Arnold & 11.5 out from the RPS US Open and am knee-deep in peaking phase. [column type="one-half"][image type="none" float="none" src="https://www.powerrackstrength.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/UltimateBack-e1450193297843.jpg" link="true" href="https://www.powerrackstrength.com/product/ultimate-back-fitness-and-performance-5th-edition-2014/" title="Ultimate Back Fitness" target="blank"...

My training write up for today is pretty boring- so here's one of my training partner's, (big) Dain Soppelsa destroying his planned opener of 875. https://www.instagram.com/p/BBRLMh1NE-9/?taken-by=ddalenberg Added a reverse band and went 955 and 1025...

[wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BBIFjnUPpTb/?taken-by=briancarroll81 https://www.instagram.com/p/BBIF4kYvpUH/?taken-by=briancarroll81 I'm about 6 weeks out from the Arnold & 13 out from the RPS US Open and just started precontest! Also, as shown in the Featured pic - 10/20/life SECOND ADDITION in SOFT BACK...

Sitting about 6 weeks out and things are coming together. Really good squat work last night. https://www.instagram.com/p/BA-_iz_tEyB/?taken-by=ddalenberg [wa-wps] Plan for the night was last warm up then reverse band opener and 2nd attempt. Squat- Singles at 665, add...

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