[wa-wps] https://instagram.com/p/_41itlNEzs/?taken-by=ddalenberg Squat- Deload 315 for a few doubles with the buffalo bar. We use the buffalo bar for pretty much all of our lighter squatting and squat accessories. This has made a huge difference in...

[wa-wps] I'm about 10 weeks out from the Arnold and just started precontest! For the rest of this year, clothing is on sale! *10/20/Life UNISEX Tee Shirt Special 1 Regular Tee- 10% off 2+ Regular Tees- 20%...

[wa-wps] https://instagram.com/p/_m_6_ttExz/?taken-by=ddalenberg  Squat- Doubles to 75% Warmed up through 515 and then took 2 doubles at 605. On the first set I carried the bar a little higher than I should have and got a...

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